"The Epic Path" is a collection of acclaimed Stories and Articles created and written by Fer Rivero which continue the content delivered on his book "Quantum Behaviours".
In Chapter 3 of Quantum Behaviours, I share a couple of pictures from a house built in the most minimalist way possible. Here you can see all of the images related to it in full colour. Even though the house is visible and easy to appreciate in the pictures printed in the book...
The Medium Viral Story - This is, sadly a 3-month real-life story that might teach you about perseverance, productivity, spirituality, and survival. Due to the first chapter success, the entire book will be released before the summer of 2024.
Seven years ago, I stumbled upon a TED Talk that changed how I saw the world. “A journey through the mind of an artist | Dustin Yellin” was just published by TED, and his work instantly fascinated me, but more importantly, his accidental progression.
This topic will always be the hardest to write about, but let’s take on the challenge. I believe loves defies all science and moves beyond our soul, mind and bodies. In fact, it is probably one of the few things in life which can align the three of them and create a unique bond
An old man walked into a small village placed upon an elevated hill in the mountains. The place had been abandoned many years before due to the lack of resources that the mountain could provide...
Have you ever stopped to wonder… Why do a few people have their life filled with abundance as if the road ahead of them was paved with perfect materials while others are drowning in theirs or finding rocks, holes and unfortunate events constantly?
What to choose? Am I doing the right thing? Is this thing or person for me? We all have many signs telling us what’s best for us, but how can we actually see and understand them?
The past pandemic brought about a lot of changes in our lives. From how we work to how we socialize, it seems like everything has been affected. One thing that has also been impacted is our sense of purpose and direction.
Success is always there to be grabbed, but sometimes we feel lazy to stand up and do it. For those like me, let me share with you my method to attract Abundance.
Have you ever wondered what hitting your 100 years old feel like? We always hear about life advice from 80 years old, but… what about those who become centenary?